Monday, May 17, 2010

So Today

I'm getting things done.

I am superwoman.

I got a plan and I'm gonna use it kinda thing.

So yeah.

I don't have time to blog.

I thought I'd check in.

But yeah.

See ya later.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The View from Caribou

So I don't know what it is, but it seems as though I am at coffee shops a lot lately. So if I'm not working and I'm not on campus then I'm at a coffee shop or sleeping.

Is that weird?

I don't know why I go on campus. I don't have classes right now. I don't know. I get bored. I have to have something to do. So I drink non-coffee drinks at a coffee shop for endless amounts of time while surfing the web and "reading."

Sometimes I write. I don't know if I would consider this writing. This is more just me writing my thoughts down on paper. It's not really well-constructed. Oh well. I'm not in class. I don't have to revise as much.

Always good.

C y'all lates.

I’m liking Nature

So I wanted to paint you a picture. Here goes:
You are out on your porch swinging to the rhythm of Sunday evening. You’re drinking iced cold lemonade that is sweating so much that it runs down your hand and onto your arm. The heat of the late afternoon sun lingering in your backyard. You smell the sweat pervading from your armpits. The sun set is hues of light Bahaman purple, fuchsia pink. It is resting on a soft sky blue. You take a sip of your drink, feeling the cold liquid run down inside of your throat. You watch as the maple tree’s first leaves fall from their branches. The bullfrogs are singing a song that only they know. This melody is low with few beat variations.

Now picture this:
You are sitting on the porch trying to read a book. You are drinking a glass of red wine as the sun sets in the beautiful way that it does. The semi-trucks in front of you rattle as they go by honking to pass each other.

Not as pretty, ehh?

Friday, May 14, 2010


I don't know why it is, but I love acoustic guitars. There I said it. That was my admission for the week. You're not gonna get anymore confessions until Sunday. Which is only two days away. Get over it.

Anyways. Today. Someone let me play. A $700 guitar. Yes that is right. 7-0-0. (If you didn't realize it, that number is double oh seven backwards). Anyways. It was beautiful. It would've sounded beautiful if someone besides me was playing it.

So I wanted to let you know that I can now play and sing along to 2 and a half songs. I know, right? I thought it was impressive. Anyways. The covers that I can play come from the artistry of Staind, Live and the one and only: Jewel. I know. Jewel's amazing. Pretty. Talented. And she writes poetry along with her own song lyrics. There's that whole playing the acoustic guitar thing, but a lot of people do that so that shouldn't be a qualifier.

But yeah. I felt okay playing the guitar because I was actually playing songs instead of just chords. The guy who was in the guitar shop lent me his pic. I kinda felt a little pathetic asking for one, but I didn't have one on me and it would've been difficult to play without it (I tried). But ya. Fun stuff.

So the reasons why I love the acoustic. It's very musical. I don't mean that it plays music. I mean that the way it plays music is something that you can listen to easily. I'm not sure why. I've always liked the way the acoustic looks. I would have to say that I like the woods that are lighter in color rather the really dark wood. That's just me, though.

I'm thinking that I might actually get a new guitar by the end of the summer. That way it could plug in and I could get used to it. It would sound nice, too (I'm hoping).

But yeah. Thanks for listening. Until next time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Nature of Nature

So I have this thing about being in nature: I love it. I don't know why. Me and nature just connect as if we are in a relationship or something. It is as if I can have a conversation with the leaves on the trees or the freshly cut grass. Who knows?

I walk around the pond at my house and feel this peace befall me. It is unlike something that you could feel in an enclosed space. I'm not sure why but this is just a fact. I feel as if the world around me is protecting me in a way which of course is not true. The world around me is a destructive world that has hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes which are NATURAL phenomenon.

Somehow I still feel like it is a safety blanket even though I know how destructive the world can be. It is just how I feel. Walking back in my property I feel that. It is as if I don't have to think. I can just BE. I can exist for a moment like a rock on the side of the road. I don't have to make plans for my future or go apply for a summer job. I don't have to think at all.

Nature expects nothing of me which is so amazing. I don't debate rhetoric with it. It will never ask me to defend my sexuality or make me feel inadequate because of it. It is just there for me to enjoy immensely.

I got to pet the neighbor's horses today. Yes, I was trespassing. Just for a little while, though. I didn't hurt anything. The horsies were definitely disappointed that I didn't have any food, though. They kept trying to eat my jacket. It was sooo cute.

But anyways. Now I'm done. Concrete. Construction. Sky scrapers.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Desert Hearts Review

So I watched Desert Hearts the other day. It was good. So now I'm going to review it.

In the first scene, we see a lot of people getting off a train. We also meet one of the main characters, Vivian, who is an intellectual from the city visiting for reasons that pertain to her job as a college professor.

The next scene is when we meet the other main character, Kay, who is the wild one. She starts driving backwards on the road so that she can talk to Frances who is the woman that Vivian is staying with. Frances is also the late wife of Kay's dad.

Frances wants to make sure that Vivian does not go anywhere near Kay because she thinks that Kay would be a bad influence on Vivian. There are reasons why she would think that.

Vivian is actually in the process of getting a divorce from her husband of many years. She decided that she needed something else.

One thing that happens is that Vivian walks into Kay's house when she is having company (there is a woman in her bedroom) which creates awkwardness. This is the first time that Vivian realizes that Kay is a lesbian.

A friendship between Kay and Vivian ensues. Frances is of course not okay with this. She is definitely not happy when they come home after Kay's friend's wedding the next day. Frances assumes the worst and is unhappy to hear that Vivian is not who she thought she was.

I won't spoil the ending for you. It's worth watching, though. Go see it.


It’s kinda rainy out so I thought I’d write about rain. I’m kinda feeling poetic tonight so forgive me, please.

The rain washes away my sins as quickly as they come. It is like a starting-off point. Like yesterday never happened and tomorrow is full of possibilities. I can be anything I want as long as I reach up and touch the stars which are so much closer than you would ever think.

Tomorrow I can be a new person. Not full of doubts and regrets. But of hope and of the things that I want to become. The person I want to become.

Nothing is out of reach. My dreams are as close to me as my nose is to my face.

The rain becomes one with my sorrows. They are so close together that I am unable to tell them apart anymore. The more I look, the more confused I become.

It is as if the rain is mimicking the tears that I have cried for so many years. The earth takes part in my grief. It understands the pain that I have suffered and will suffer in the future that will take place.

The rain washes away the dirt so that I can become clean again. It is a feeling more than just physical, but spiritual. The cleanliness that is next to Godliness. As if being clean can also bring me closer to God.

The rain makes ripples in the pond. Getting bigger and bigger with each second. It is as if I am a ripple in the pond of life. I can impact one person or hundreds of people with my actions. If only I would put more thoughts into these actions.

The rain is my friend and lover. It brings me hope, comfort and a sense of knowing what I am going through. It is more than just a sound of pounding drops against the rooftop. It is also symbolic of me. Of who I truly am and who I will become.

Monday, May 10, 2010


So I was singing by the pond today. It's my favorite place to sing for some reason. I don't know why. I just get these amazing feeling. It's as if someone is really watching over me. As if He can really hear my worship song and praise. It's a little God time at the beginning of the week. It works for me.


Singing is something I have always loved and will always love. It's more than a hobby or something I love to do. It's one of the only things that make me feel like I am here on this earth. I'm not daydreaming about anything or thinking about what I have to do this week. I am in the moment just singing. As if nothing else in the entire world matters but the next note, lyric or pitch. As if everything is riding on if I remember the next line of the song.

I don't know what it is. I just love it. That's how it goes.That's as good as I can describe it.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

so yeah

I'm at another coffee shop today.

No not Starbucks. No not Good Beans. You wanna guess again?

No? Why not?


Caribou Coffee is where I'm at.

It's cool here. I also like the atmosphere. (The free wifi helps too).

But anyways.

I'm kinda bored right now.

How'd that happen anyways.

Way too much time til church.

Oh yeah. It's Mother's Day. I hope you're not still shopping for her present. Wow. Someone's a procrastinator.

Oh well. It happens. But yeah. Tell your mom you love her today. And everyday for that matter. She deserves that at least.

And a whole lot more.

Good Beans

So I went to Good Beans on Saturday.

Yes, that's right. Another coffee shop.

What else would I do with my time?

It was really cold there. Bone chilling cold. Put a stick in me because I just turned into a popsicle cold.

Okay I'm done.

(Why is that snowman making eyes at me cold?)


I got to stay to see two artists until I was forced to go home.

One of the artists in particular, I'm actually a fan of his.

Chris Russell (

So yeah. Check out some cool music. Or not. It's your choice.


So I have got to do a little bit up ketchuping catching up. It seems I missed a couple of blogging days. I guess I'll have to do three blogs today.

Oh well. No biggie. Not a problem for me.

So Friday I went to Starbucks with Bryan. It's our favorite spot to go basically.

I don't know what it is about coffeeshops but me and them go together like two peas in a pod. Woodie and Buzz Lightyear. Little Piggie and Kermit the Frog. Cinderella and Prince Charming.

Okay I'm done. I promise. (macaroni and cheese).

Oh Gosh. I got a couple food metaphors in there. Sorry. Can't help it.

So anyways. I love coffee shops. I prolly have a couple reasons why also.

1. they have tea which is always good
2. very quiet and peaceful atmosphere
3. good place to study (kinda goes with #2)
4. good place to meet friends

That's my list and I'm sticking to it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Delusional Rantings

So I'm kinda sick. Forgive me. I thought I'd post anyways just to see if anything comes of it.

Right now I'm thinking about food.

Specifically vegetables. Ooh. I know. Steamed broccoli. Yum.

Also, zucchini with garlic. Amazing. Omg.

Anyways. I really want Taco Bell right. I know. Weird combo. I mean who wants to eat vegetables along with Taco Bell? I mean, it doesn't make any sense.

Oh well.

I'm hungry, but I don't feel like eating. I hate that feeling! Oh well. I guess I'll have to get over it.

You know what sounds good? Pizza. Ummmm... I'm thinking toppings would include: onion and green pepper. Perfect combo.

I can hear the mouth drool. Yes that's right. I said mouth drool. As if there is another kind of drool. How do you know that there isn't.


That's prolly enough rambling for tonight.

I hope to see you tomorrow.

(Have you shopped for your Mother's Day gift yet? I haven't. I need to get on that).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Since I was a bad girl yesterday...

I am writing two blogs today to make up for my discretions yesterday.

Bad girl!


I thought I'd let you know about something awesome happening in Flint, MI on Saturday, May 8th (the day before Mother's Day if you didn't realize).

Good Beans Cafe is having a Saturday Lawn series all throughout the summer up until September. There will be one Saturday every month where there are a bunch of performers who will be able to perform. Tickets are still being sold and you can also buy them the day of the event.

I hope that helps fill your Saturday. At least the day portion that is.

So be there.


Just FYI: four shopping days until Mother's Day! Don't be a bum. Buy your mom some flowers or a card or something. She gave birth to you for God's sake!


So I forgot to post yesterday. My bad. I hope you'll forgive me.


*puppy dog face*

Anyways. I thought a poem might convince you. I hope so. I really don't like being in the little dog's house. It's kinda lonely in here.

New Tennis Shoes

new tennies
perfect fit
nothing else
for my feet

can't help but stare
at their beauty

hi shoes
nice to meet you
i hope we can be friends
if it's okay with you
I'd like that

so it's settled
we'll be amigos

i hope you don't mind my 3 a.m. texts

Monday, May 3, 2010

Psych Season Finale

For all of those who don't have cable you're missing out.

Why is that? you ask.

Well, I'm here to tell you why.

There's this little show called Psych on the USA Network. It is the best thing since sliced bread in my opinion. It is about this guy and his pal who try and solve crimes. The main character pretends to be psychic but really he just has really good observation skills.

So I finally watched the Season 4 Season Finale today. Sad face. That means that I have to wait until fall to watch a new episode of Psych. I am not what you would call a patient person. At least I have Glee.


The season finale was a little too creepy for my taste. Also, the ending was a little cheesy.

I'll try and not give anything away in case you wanted to watch it on hulu.

The premise is based off of an episode last season. At least I think so. I know its based on a previous episode at least. It's about a serial killer named Mr. Ying. His partner in crime is locked up so they get hints from all while trying to prevent anymore murders.

All in all it was a good episode and a good season over all, too.


Look it up.

'Til next time.
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Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Crofoot

So I went to the Crofoot Ballroom in Pontiac for the first time today. I actually liked it a lot. It's a nice venue. The acoustics were pretty good. It may have seemed that way because I was right next to the speakers. Not sure.

The band that I saw was called: George Orvelle and the Flying Typewriters. They were actually pretty good. I liked their lyrics more than their music, though. It's probably because I am not too big of a fan of punk. That's just me, though. You should definitely check out the band and take a listen. It's totally worth it.

I really enjoyed the one song where the leader singer, Jordan, rapped. It was really good. For some reason he chose not to wear shoes while performing. I thought it was interesting choice. I may have to steal his idea some time in the future. Just don't tell him that I did it. ; )

So I hope you all had a good weekend. Happy Sunday : )

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hello all! Thanks for stopping by my humble abode. If you'd like to make yourselves comfortable, I can bring us some drinks and we can get this party started...

My bad. We're not partying tonight. Just chillaxing. That was last night. Now I remember


I thought I'd let everyone know what was going on. I am making a resolution to write a blog post every day. I'd like to start with at least a month. Then, we'll go from there.

So that's the plan, at least.

For all of you who don't know me, I plan on writing fiction, essays and poetry. I might throw in some travel logs, too.

So yeah. I hope this works out. It would be awesome if I got some new readers, also.

I guess we'll have to just wait and see.

Until tomorrow...