Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sappy Late-Night Blog About Life or Something Like It

So the other day I got some horrible news via facebook. One of my friends had died. I am not sure how exactly he died. That's not the point, though.

The point is he was thirty years old. That is about eight years older than me.

I am not going to tell you that I have a new lease on life. I've had that happen to me before. It's not like that this time. It's more like I have a new perspective on what I should be doing with life.

This does not mean that I'm going to go sky diving tomorrow. I know. Disappointment.

It means that I want to do what makes me happy and not care what others think. I want to spend as much time with the ones that I love because that's the best part of life.


This also means that I am not going to apologize for who I am. There is only one of me and who I am is not something that I should say sorry about.

One pseudo-negative thing that could come out of this is that I'm not going to spend time with people who I don't want to spend time with. I don't want to waste my life on people who aren't loving or fun to be around or interesting.

I like substance. I like reality. I like truth.

They're kinda necessary.

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

G'night y'all.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day

Hi all. Sorry I'm a little late on posting. So my memorial weekend was very exciting. I was in Washington D.C. for a mission trip with my church. We helped fix up this homeless shelter in one of the more needy parts of the city. It was a very good experience for me. I feel like I learned a lot and that I may have even changed a little bit because of the experience that I had there.

On Memorial Day, we came drove back to Michigan. It wasn't much of a celebration of the holiday, but I did get to celebrate with my family the next day with a very-Memorial-Day feast. I enjoyed it.

So everyone, I know that the holiday is technically over. That doesn't mean that you can't keep remembering the people who have given their lives so that we are able to live in a free country. It's mostly free, at least. It depends on how you look at it.

Happy weekday, all!

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