Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yes I don't post often. Get over it.

Maybe I should be the one getting over the fact that I don't post often.

Hello blogger. How are you doing?

I'm glad you're good.

Me. I'm okay.

Sometimes I make mountains out of molehills as the saying goes.

I just got done spending a half an hour at Jo Anne Fabrics. I was there for buttons. I bought two different packs of buttons because I couldn't decide between very bright colors or just kind of bright colors. It's not something that you can change very easily. You can, but I wasn't planning on attaching my buttons on with velcro. It's not the usual plan when it comes to buttons at least.

I also bought some dry-erase markers. They were cheap and will probably function in a manner that alludes to this cheapness but I'm okay with that.


My summer is going well. I love it when realize my fate. That I will never get a job. Ever.

That I will never meet the person of my dreams. Or buy a house with them on the beach. Also known as a beach house. I'm not sure as to why I am incapable of putting it in a less wordy manner.

Oh well.

There's always next month. I'm assuming.

I need to stop chopping up my sentences with inappropriate periods.

They don't fucking go there.

I really want to burn the sweater that I just spent two years making. I feel like, then much of my time spent knitting, unraveling and re-knitting would have been wasted, though. This is probably true, sadly.

This is me talking myself out of doing something stupid. I'm sure I can find something else to burn. Wood usually works pretty well.

Maybe I'll have a campfire.

Or not.