Friday, September 17, 2010

Music to my Ears

So I just went to my favorite Flint cafe, Good Beans, and saw spoken word there. It was so awesome. It was like music to my ears. I've heard spoken word before, but this was more intense. I guess that's what happens when people speak louder and faster...

No, really. It's weird when people write or speak about subjects like war and violence which I know nothing of. I don't know them from my own experience. I can be really inspired by their words, though.

That's one thing when it comes to poetry, I feel really White. I mean that word in the biggest sense that you could make it. I haven't experienced a lot of hardship in my life. I've never experienced any kind of real violence first hand. My home life has always been really wonderful. My life has always just been really easy.

So that lends to the question of what can I write about? I guess I can write about less "serious" subjects. I guess that's okay. I wasn't the only White person who went up to the mic for open mic night which was nice. I was the only female, though, which I thought was unnecessary. I've heard spoken word done by a woman and I thought it was really cool.

Anyways. Those are my thoughts. And I'm sticking to them.

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